2021.08.22 23:39Nation

G7、アフガンめぐり24日首脳会議 安全退避、人道危機阻止協議へ


2021.08.22 23:39Nation

G-7 Leaders to Hold Meeting Tues. to Discuss Afghan Situation

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said he will convene Group of Seven leaders on Tuesday for urgent talks on the situation in Afghanistan.
   The meeting will be held online.
   "It is vital that the international community works together to ensure safe evacuations, prevent a humanitarian crisis and support the Afghan people to secure the gains of the last 20 years," Johnson said on Twitter Sunday.
   Britain currently serves as chair of the G-7 framework. The other G-7 members are Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the United States plus the European Union.
   According to White House press secretary Jen Psaki, the leaders will discuss continuing "close coordination on Afghanistan policy" and evacuating the G-7 nations' citizens and Afghans wanting to leave their home country.


