2019.11.22 11:14Nation

「日本の立場変わらぬ」 GSOMIAで菅官房長官




2019.11.22 11:14Nation

Japan Still Wants S. Korea to Act Sensibly over GSOMIA

The Japanese government still wants Seoul to act sensibly to rescue the expiring bilateral military information-sharing pact, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga said Friday.
   The General Security of Military Information Agreement, or GSOMIA, is set to expire at midnight Friday (3 p.m. GMT).
   "We've been asking for a sensible response consistently. There is no change to the stance," the top government spokesman told a press conference.
   He declined to comment on what judgment Seoul may make.
   The two governments are believed to be making last-ditch efforts to keep the pact. But Tokyo is unlikely to meet Seoul's demand for removal of its restrictions on exports to South Korea.


