2021.08.20 16:54Nation

中田、無償トレードで巨人へ 同僚への暴力「愚かな行為」―プロ野球

 中田 翔(なかた・しょう) 大阪桐蔭高時代に甲子園で活躍し、高校生ドラフト1巡目で08年に日本ハム入団。4年目からレギュラーに定着し、14、16、20年に打点王のタイトルを獲得。16年にはチームの日本一に貢献。一塁手でゴールデングラブ賞4度、ベストナインは外野手と合わせ計5度受賞。184センチ、107キロ。右投げ右打ち。32歳。広島県出身。(2021/08/20-16:54)

2021.08.20 16:54Nation

Controversial Slugger Nakata Transferred to Yomiuri Giants

The Yomiuri Giants professional baseball team on Friday acquired Hokkaido Nippon-Ham Fighters slugger and infielder Sho Nakata, who had been suspended from all games for an act of violence against a Fighters teammate.
   "I think it was a foolish act, and I have strong feelings of guilt and regret," Nakata told a press conference in Tokyo on the day. "For the first time in my life, I've experienced how hard it is to be unable to play baseball," he added.
   It was his first public appearance since he was suspended Aug 11. To members of Fighters, a Pacific League club, Nakata said: "I'll never forget the 14 years I spent with my teammates. I have nothing but gratitude." He also thanked Hideki Kuriyama, manager of the Fighters, based in the northernmost Japan prefecture of Hokkaido, for always "caring about me."
   His suspension was lifted in line with the transfer, done for free. The Tokyo-based Giants, which belongs to the Central League, gave Nakata the jersey number 10. "I must never disappoint people who trust me," Nakata said. "I'll start over and take a deep look at myself," he added.
   Atsuhiro Otsuka, deputy head of the company operating the Giants, said, "I heard that (Nakata) was ready to quit baseball as he deeply regrets what he did."


