2019.11.22 07:18Nation

販売低迷、雇用に影響 期間従業員の募集停止―マツダ、ホンダなど


2019.11.22 07:18Nation

Slumping Sales Affecting Employment in Japanese Auto Sector

Slumping new vehicle sales are starting to take a toll on the employment situation in the Japanese automotive industry.
   From Nov. 8, Mazda Motor Corp. stopped soliciting new fixed-term workers at its head office plants in Hiroshima Prefecture, western Japan, which mainly make finished vehicles, and the Hofu plant in neighboring Yamaguchi Prefecture. Honda Motor Co. has also suspended seeking such workers at its Yorii plant in the eastern prefecture of Saitama, which produces SUVs and sedans.
   Both firms have no idea when to restart the hiring of new fixed-term workers. Employment conditions for fixed-term workers tend to be easily affected by swings in the economy.
   Such employment adjustment steps came on the heels of stagnant factory operating rates amid faltering sales in not only the domestic but also major overseas markets, such as the United States and China.
   Sales of new automobiles in Japan in October tumbled 24.9 pct from a year before, the first decline in four months, due to the effects of powerful Typhoon Hagibis, which hit the country in the month, and the consumption tax hike from 8 pct to 10 pct on Oct. 1.


