2019.11.21 17:20Nation

日本産牛肉、対中輸出再開へ 25日に外相会談


2019.11.21 17:20Nation

Ministers to Agree on Resuming Japan Beef Exports to China

Japan's Foreign Ministry announced Thursday a meeting between Foreign Minister Toshimitsu Motegi and his Chinese counterpart, Wang Yi, in Tokyo on Monday, at which they are expected to conclude an agreement on animal health and quarantine, paving the way for the resumption of Japanese beef exports to China.
   China has banned imports of beef from Japan since the outbreak of mad cow disease, formally called bovine spongiform encephalopathy, or BSE, in the island country in 2001.
   Japan is seeking to restart exports as early as next year, ending a nearly 20-year hiatus.
   The ministerial meeting will be conducted after Wang attends the meeting of Group of 20 foreign ministers in Nagoya, central Japan, on Friday and Saturday.
   With a visit to Japan by Chinese President Xi Jinping as a state guest planned for next spring, the agreement to restart Japanese beef exports is seen as the two countries' attempt to highlight improving bilateral relations.


