2021.07.23 18:28Nation

ブルーインパルス、五輪描く 国立競技場上空に―空自


2021.07.23 18:28Nation

Japan ASDF Aerobatic Team Draws Olympic Rings

The Blue Impulse aerobatic team of Japan's Air Self-Defense Force drew the five Olympic rings with colored smoke in the sky over the new Japan National Stadium early Friday afternoon, ahead of the official opening of the Tokyo Olympics later in the day.
   The Blue Impulse conducted the performance around 12:45 p.m. (3:45 a.m. GMT). The Olympic symbol was drawn in the same five colors as those of the rings--blue, yellow, black, green and red.
   The schedule for the flight was announced just before the performance, in order to avoid creating crowds amid the novel coronavirus epidemic. The National Stadium, in Shinjuku Ward of the Japanese capital, is the venue for the Olympics opening ceremony, slated to start at 8 p.m. Friday.
   The ASDF aerobatic team drew the Olympic rings above the former national stadium at the opening ceremony for the 1964 Tokyo Olympics.
   It plans to carry out a similar flight performance on the opening day of the Tokyo Paralympics on Aug. 24.


