2019.11.19 18:55Nation

豊田労基署、自殺のトヨタ社員労災認定 「上司パワハラ原因」


2019.11.19 18:55Nation

Suicide of Harassed Toyota Employee Ruled Work-Related

Japanese labor authorities have recognized the 2017 suicide of a Toyota Motor Corp. employee as a work-related death after finding that the death was due to verbal abuse and other forms of harassment from his superior, the victim's lawyer said Tuesday.
   The labor standards inspection office of Toyota, Aichi Prefecture in central Japan, ruled on Sept. 11 that the 28-year-old male employee's death resulted from power harassment, according to the lawyer, Yoshihide Tachino.
   According to Tachino, the male employee began working at the Japanese automaker in April 2015 after graduating from the University of Tokyo's graduate school. The employee, who was assigned to a department for designing vehicles, received relentless verbal abuse and scolding such as "stupid idiot" and "you're better off dead" from a direct superior on a daily basis between April and June of 2016.
   The employee took an administrative leave in July that year after visiting a hospital. He returned to the company in October and was assigned to a different department, but his office was located on the same floor as that of the abusive superior.
   The man told others of his predicament, making comments such as "(my old boss) makes gestures as if to crash into me in the hallway," "I want to change seats" and "I want to die and be happy," before committing suicide in his dormitory room at the end of October 2017.


