2019.11.19 18:50Nation

両陛下、台風被災地お見舞いへ 即位後初、12月下旬検討―宮城、福島両県


2019.11.19 18:50Nation

Japan Emperor, Empress to Visit Areas Hit by Typhoon Hagibis

Japanese Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako are considering a trip late next month to Miyagi and Fukushima prefectures that were hit hard by Typhoon Hagibis and subsequent heavy rain, the Imperial Household Agency said Tuesday.
   If realized, it will be the Imperial couple's first visit to a disaster-hit area since the Emperor ascended the throne on May 1, following in the footsteps of his parents, Emperor Emeritus Akihito and Empress Emerita Michiko, who made a series of such visits while the Emperor Emeritus was on the throne.
   According to the agency, the Emperor and Empress were saddened after seeing many people were killed or affected by the typhoon, and have hoped that they will visit the disaster areas as soon as possible.
   Due to the serious damage from the typhoon, the "Shukuga-Onretsu-no-Gi" parade to celebrate the Emperor's enthronement was postponed to Nov. 10 from Oct. 22.
   The Emperor mentioned the damage caused by the typhoon and other disasters that recently hit the country in a speech delivered during a national festival held on Nov. 9 at a square in front of the Imperial Palace to celebrate his accession.


