2021.07.09 20:38Nation

「お役御免か」ボランティア当惑 4都県の無観客開催で―組織委「別の役割を」


2021.07.09 20:38Nation

Spectator Ban Leaves Olympic Volunteers, Workers in Limbo

The recent decision to hold most events of the Tokyo Olympic Games behind closed doors is causing confusion among volunteers and part-time workers who were set to assist spectators.
   Games organizers and others Thursday decided that Olympic events be held at empty venues in Tokyo and three surrounding prefectures due to a fresh coronavirus state of emergency for the Japanese capital from Monday.
   The organizing committee is rushing to reassign volunteers to different tasks with just two weeks before the July 23 opening ceremony.
   Of the roughly 70,000 games volunteers who signed up to support the operation of tournament venues, over 16,000 were slated to guide spectators and check their tickets and luggage.
   In addition, there are so-called city volunteers recruited to guide spectators at train stations near venues and at tourist spots. The number of city volunteers stands at 30,000 in Tokyo alone.


