2021.07.09 12:25Nation

西村担当相、要請拒否の店舗情報を金融機関に 菅首相「承知せず」、野党反発


2021.07.09 12:25Nation

Japan Govt to Give Info on Noncompliant Eateries to Banks

Japanese economic revitalization minister Yasutoshi Nishimura has suggested that information will be provided to banks on eateries defying a government request not to serve alcohol to help prevent coronavirus infection.
   The request will be in place in Tokyo during a novel coronavirus state of emergency that will start on Monday and run through Aug. 22.
   "We'll share information on (noncompliant) eateries with related ministries and agencies and financial institutions, so that financial institutions can encourage them to comply" with the request, Nishimura, who is in charge of the government's coronavirus response, told a press conference Thursday evening.
   "Financial institutions have contact with businesses including eateries, and we would like them to encourage (eateries) to take thorough measures to prevent infections," Nishimura told a press conference on Friday. "This is not intended to restrict loans."
   Meanwhile, Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga told reporters on Friday that he is not aware of Nishimura's remarks.


