2021.07.06 17:19Nation

国立競技場の感染リスク「低い」 観客1万人、スパコンで試算―文科省


2021.07.06 17:19Nation

Japan National Stadium Has Low Infection Risk: Govt

The Japan National Stadium, the main venue for this summer's Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics, has a low risk of spreading COVID-19 even with 10,000 spectators, the education ministry said Tuesday.
   The ministry calculated the risk using the Fugaku supercomputer, which estimated how many people would newly test positive for the novel coronavirus if 10 out of the 10,000 spectators were infected with the original strain and stayed at the stadium for four hours.
   The supercomputer found that if wind were to blow from behind the guests' seats at 0.7 meter per second, in line with the stadium design, 0.08 people would be newly infected if they sat without vacant seats in between. If they sat apart, the number would be close to zero.
   The estimated number of newly infected people would increase if the wind came from in front of the spectators, as it would become easier for those at the back to inhale droplets containing the virus due to the seats being arranged in tiers.
   The estimated number came to 4.7 when spectators sat close to each other, while it stood at 0.23 with spectators sitting one seat apart.


