2021.06.30 22:00Nation

皇位継承、2案軸に議論 「婚姻後も皇族」「養子縁組可能」―有識者会議


2021.06.30 22:00Nation

Japan to Discuss 2 Proposals to Tackle Shrinking Imperial Family

A Japanese government panel tasked with considering ways to ensure stable Imperial succession has agreed that it will mainly discuss two proposals for securing enough number of Imperial Family members.
   At the eighth meeting of the panel on Wednesday, participants agreed that they will mainly discuss a plan to allow female members to retain their Imperial Family status after getting married, and a plan to use the adoption system to restore the Imperial Family status of male descendants in the family's paternal line who have left the family.
   The Imperial House Law stipulates that only male offspring in the paternal bloodline of the Imperial lineage can assume the Chrysanthemum throne.
   The panel is headed by Atsushi Seike, president of Promotion and Mutual Aid Corp. for Private Schools of Japan.
   Speaking after the meeting, Seike pointed to the need to urgently address the issue as the country will need to secure a certain number of Imperial Family members when Prince Hisahito, the 14-year-old son of Crown Prince Akishino who is second in line to the throne, becomes Emperor.


