2019.11.18 17:43Nation

放射線の影響「小さい」 処理水放出、経産省が推計―福島第1原発


2019.11.18 17:43Nation

Japan Projects Small Impact if Fukushima Radioactive Water Released

The impact of radiation in treated water at the crippled Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant being released into the ocean or air would be significantly smaller than the effects of radiation existing in nature, Japan's industry ministry said in an estimate Monday.
   The ministry presented the estimate to a committee set up to discuss ways to dispose of the water.
   Although tainted water from the Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings Inc. plant in northeastern Japan is filtered in a purification system, the treated water still contains tritium, a radioactive substance.
   According to TEPCO, the total amount of treated water stored in tanks as of the end of October stood at some 1.17 million tons, which contains around 860 trillion becquerels of tritium.
   Based on a method publicized by a U.N. organization, the ministry estimated the radiation dose for local residents if the treated water is released.


