2021.06.29 17:52Nation

聖火リレー、一部取りやめ 被災4県PVも中止―東京都

 都はまた、岩手、宮城、福島、熊本の4県で予定していた東京五輪・パラリンピックの大規模パブリックビューイング(PV)「被災地 東京2020ライブサイト」を中止すると発表した。共催する大会組織委員会や地元自治体と協議して決定した。

2021.06.29 17:52Nation

Tokyo to Shift Part of Olympic Torch Relay off Public Roads

The Tokyo metropolitan government said Tuesday that it will shift much of the first half of the 15-day Olympic torch relay in the Japanese capital next month off public roads.
   During the first half, slated for July 9-16, there will be no torch relay runs on public roads excluding in the sections on remote islands. Instead, the Olympic flame will be passed on at venues of flame ignition ceremonies.
   As for the second half, to be held in Tokyo's 23 special wards July 17-23, the metropolitan government hopes to reach a decision early after examining the coronavirus situation.
   The Tokyo leg of the relay is set to begin in a special ward July 9. After traveling through the Tama suburban and remote-island areas, the Olympic flame is set to end its tour of Japan's 47 prefectures at the Tokyo Olympics opening ceremony in the new National Stadium on July 23.
   The metropolitan government also said that it will cancel large-scale public viewing events during the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics that were to be held in Iwate, Miyagi, Fukushima and Kumamoto prefectures.


