「観光苦しい」「通常営業を」 コロナ禍苦境、支援策要望―都議選告示で有権者

Coronavirus Tokyo Voters' Big Concern Ahead of Assembly Poll
The unabated coronavirus crisis is a big concern among Tokyo voters ahead of the July 4 metropolitan assembly election, whose official campaign period began Friday.
The Japanese capital faces a number of issues including the novel coronavirus, this summer's Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics, the economy and assistance for child-rearing families. Voters are focusing on how candidates will work on them.
Yoshiko Tobe, 63, representative of Kaminarimon Ryokan, a Japanese-style hotel with a long history in Tokyo's Asakusa tourist district, said that candidates fully attentive to the voices of people suffering from the crisis in the sightseeing and accommodation industries should be elected.
"I want (the elected candidates) to fulfill their duties with responsibility," Tobe said, hoping that the future members of the assembly will not limit their efforts just to the election.
Yuka Fujishima, who owns four Japanese-style bars in the capital including the Shinbashi business district, will close one of them at the end of June as sales plunged due to Tokyo's coronavirus restrictions. Fujishima explained that alcoholic beverages usually earn 80 pct of sales.

ラリードライバー 篠塚建次郎
元祖“怪物” 巨人・江川卓投手
つば九郎 ヤクルトの球団マスコット