2019.11.16 18:21Nation

「政府は本気で動いて」 拉致解決求め集会―新潟




2019.11.16 18:21Nation

Mother of Abductee Seeks Japan Govt's Serious Action

The 83-year-old mother of Megumi Yokota, one of Japanese abduction victims in North Korea, has sought serious action by the Japanese government for resolving the issue of abductees.
   "I believe that Megumi and other abduction victims remain in good shape. I want the government to act in earnest," Sakie Yokota said in a video message she sent to a meeting held in the city of Niigata, central Japan, to call for stepped-up efforts for fully resolving the abduction issue at an early date.
   The meeting was attended by about 710 people. Megumi was abducted to North Korea in 1977 at the age of 13. She was a junior high school student in Niigata at the time.
   "I had never imagined that I wouldn't be able to meet my daughter until she is 55 years old after I last met her when she was only 13," the mother said. "I think progress will be made if the leaders of the two countries hold talks," she said, commenting on the current stalemate in negotiations between Japan and North Korea.
   Tetsuya Yokota, 51, a brother of Megumi, said at the meeting that their 87-year-old father, Shigeru, who is now hospitalized, has told the son that he wants to see his daughter again while he remains fine.


