2019.11.16 14:38Nation

思いやり予算、4.5倍に 米政権、80億ドル要求―日本側の反発必至







2019.11.16 14:38Nation

U.S. Seeks 4.5-Fold Jump in Japan's Host-Nation Support

The administration of U.S. President Donald Trump has urged Japan to increase its annual host-nation financial support for U.S. forces in the country by some 4.5-fold from the current level to about 8 billion dollars in fiscal 2021 and later, it was learned Friday.
   Japan and the United States are expected to start next year full-fledged negotiations on renewing their special agreement on the host-nation support. Tokyo looks certain to strongly oppose the U.S. demand.
   The Trump administration has been calling on other countries as well to boost such outlays. As the overseas deployment of American troops has been greatly contributing to the United States' own national interest and its security strategy, however, the extraordinary demands from the U.S. government may hurt the feelings of U.S. allies toward the country and weaken the alliances, pundits said.
   During their visit to Japan in July, John Bolton, then national security adviser to Trump, and other U.S. officials told Tokyo that the Trump administration wants the Asian ally to increase its host-nation support to some 8 billion dollars a year, according to informed sources.
   Under the current special bilateral pact, which is set to expire at the end of March in 2021, Japan shoulders about 189.3 billion yen a year on average to cover labor costs for Japanese workers at U.S. bases in Japan and utility bills at those facilities.


