基地周辺、調査対象に 安保土地法成立、曖昧さ否めず
Japan Parliament Enacts Security-Linked Land Bill
The Diet, Japan's parliament, on Wednesday enacted a bill to regulate the use of land lots that are important for national security, such as areas near Self-Defense Forces bases and remote border islands.
The House of Councillors, the upper chamber of the Diet, approved the bill at a plenary session by a majority vote with support from the ruling Liberal Democratic Party and its coalition partner, Komeito, as well as some opposition forces including the Democratic Party for the People.
The bill cleared the House of Representatives, the lower chamber, earlier this month.
The new law will allow the government to investigate the names and nationalities of owners of land lots and buildings in designated areas, as well as how the properties are being used.
As dubious real estate transactions by Chinese and South Korean nationals and firms were seen in Japan in the past, the legislation is intended to give the government authority to monitor such cases.