外国人選手、8割超がワクチン接種 東京五輪参加者―コーツ調整委員長
Over 80 Pct of Athletes Vaccinated for Tokyo Games: Report
International Olympic Committee Vice President John Coates told The Australian Financial Review that 84 pct of foreign athletes slated to participate in the Tokyo Olympics have been vaccinated against COVID-19, the paper reported Tuesday.
Coates, who is also chair of the IOC Coordination Commission for the Tokyo Games, noted that foreign media personnel will be inoculated as well ahead of the games.
The IOC executive, who arrived in Japan the same day to oversee preparation work for the event, explained that the IOC is doing all it can to vaccinate as many athletes as possible.
Meanwhile, Coates said that the vaccines for some 20,000 people donated by U.S. drugmaker Pfizer Inc. were for personnel coming in close contact with athletes, excluding many of the roughly 70,000 volunteers who will help run the games.
"We hope they can be vaccinated as well, but it's something the IOC can't tell (the Japanese government) to do," Coates told the paper.