2021.06.04 12:23Nation

台湾にワクチン提供 アストラ製124万回分


2021.06.04 12:23Nation

Japan to Send 1.24 M. COVID-19 Vaccine Doses to Taiwan

The Japanese government will airlift 1.24 million doses of the novel coronavirus vaccine developed by British drug giant AstraZeneca PLC to Taiwan, which is facing a surge in new infection cases, informed sources said Friday.
   A Japan Airlines flight carrying the vaccine is set to leave Narita International Airport in Chiba Prefecture, east of Tokyo, later on Friday, according to the sources.
   The government has decided not to use any international framework for vaccine distribution in order to provide Taiwan, which has been struggling in vaccine procurement, with vaccine doses swiftly.
   "In times of trouble, we need to help each other," a Japanese government source said, showing Tokyo's eagerness to step up efforts to send vaccine doses to the self-ruled island.
   Japan has secured 120 million doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine, but it has been refraining from administering them to people due to reports of rare cases of blood clots.


