2021.06.04 07:06Nation

旧避難区域に牧場 帰還住民「復興の目玉に」―ヤギと触れ合いも・福島県葛尾村

 観光牧場「かつらおヤギ広場 がらがらどん」の運営会社社長を務める鎌田毅さん(78)は葛尾村の出身。村で「鎌田牧場」を立ち上げ養豚業を営んでいたが、原発事故で廃業と避難を余儀なくされ、村の大部分の避難指示が解除された2016年に帰還した。

2021.06.04 07:06Nation

Goat Farm Opens in Former Fukushima Nuclear Evacuation Zone

A new sightseeing farm where visitors can pet goats has opened in a northeastern Japan village that had been fully evacuated under a government order following the March 2011 nuclear accident.
   The farm, "Katsurao Yagi Hiroba Gara Gara Don," in the village of Katsurao in Fukushima Prefecture was launched by a local man as a highlight of the reconstruction of the village. The goat farm was crowded with families and other visitors on its opening day on Saturday last week.
   It is the first tourist facility built by a private business in the village since the triple meltdown at Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings Inc.'s Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant, which sustained heavy damage from the March 11, 2011, earthquake and tsunami.
   Tsuyoshi Kamata, 78, president of the company operating Katsurao Yagi Hiroba Gara Gara Don, is a native of the village. The nuclear accident forced Kamata to close his pig farm in the village and evacuate. He returned to Katsurao in 2016, when the nuclear evacuation order was lifted for most of the areas of the village.
   While working on reconstruction efforts, Kamata met a man running a goat farm in the city of Nasushiobara, Tochigi Prefecture, eastern Japan. The two men shared the goal of revitalizing Katsurao by creating a main attraction in the village.


