2021.06.03 17:45Nation

「リサイクル表彰台」を発表 式典の楽曲、衣装も―東京五輪・パラ

 表彰式時に流される楽曲は、映画「ALWAYS 三丁目の夕日」などの音楽を手掛けた佐藤直紀氏が「アスリートのための賛歌」をコンセプトに作曲。ファッションディレクターの山口壮大氏が藍色を基調にデザインしたボランティア衣装、メダルを載せるトレーも発表された。(2021/06/03-17:45)

2021.06.03 17:45Nation

Tokyo Games Podiums Made from Used Plastics Unveiled

The Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics organizing committee on Thursday unveiled podiums made from used plastics for the games this summer.
   According to the committee, they are the first Olympic and Paralympic victory stands made from used plastics in the history of the sporting events.
   The podiums, colored traditional Japanese indigo, were designed by Asao Tokoro, who created the emblems for the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics.
   The Olympic and Paralympic symbol logos at the center of the podiums were made from aluminum originally used for makeshift housing for people affected by the March 2011 major earthquake and tsunami, which mainly hit northeastern Japan, to highlight Japan's recovery from the disaster, a key theme of the Tokyo Games.
   The organizing committee made a total of 98 podiums from some 24.5 tons of used plastics. They represent "symbolic efforts to create a sustainable society," Seiko Hashimoto, president of the committee, said at a ceremony to unveil the podiums.


