2021.06.02 23:36Nation

今国会、16日で閉会 補正編成見送り―自公党首


2021.06.02 23:36Nation

Japan Diet Session to End on June 16 without Extension

Chiefs of Japan's two ruling coalition parties confirmed at a meeting Wednesday that the ongoing regular session of the Diet, the country's parliament, will end on June 16 without an extension.
   Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga, president of the Liberal Democratic Party, and Natsuo Yamaguchi, leader of Komeito, the junior member of the coalition, also agreed that the government will forgo the compilation of a fiscal 2021 supplementary budget related to the fight against the novel coronavirus during the current session.
   On June 9, Suga is slated to have a parliamentary debate with leaders of other parties for the first time since he took office in September last year.
   Noting that there are various opinions on this summer's Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics, which were postponed from 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic, Yamaguchi asked Suga to explain at the debate the reason why the government believes that the events can be held safely and securely.
   "I'm ready to give a thorough explanation," Suga said, adding, "Vaccinations against the coronavirus are proceeding in our country, which will work favorably for the Tokyo Games."


