2021.05.25 11:53Nation

厚労省、水際対策でミス インド帰国者らと連絡取れず―新型コロナ


2021.05.25 11:53Nation

Japan Govt Loses Contact with Returnees during Quarantine

There have been many cases of the Japanese health ministry being unable to contact returnees from countries including India during quarantine related to the novel coronavirus, it was learned Tuesday.
   The problem occurred apparently because the ministry tried to contact the returnees using communication apps different from those registered by them, informed sources said. Some of the returnees have received a warning from the ministry threatening to make their names public although they had reported their location information and health conditions properly, as instructed by the ministry.
   In and after March, the ministry has been asking returnees to report their whereabouts and health conditions during quarantine. In addition, if requested, they also need to talk with health ministry officials via video call using a smartphone communication app.
   Since May 10, returnees have been requested to stay at facilities designated by the government for six days from the day after arrival and self-isolate for eight more days at their homes or other places.
   However, many returnees have received an email warning that their names may possibly become subject to disclosure because they could not be reached, although they had registered their communication app contact information at airports.


