2021.05.17 18:29Nation

家事支援や相談体制検討 「ヤングケアラー」で報告―厚労、文科両省


2021.05.17 18:29Nation

Japan Draws Up Measures to Support Young Carers

A joint project team of Japan's welfare and education ministries has drawn up measures to support young carers, or children under 18 who look after family members, including those in poor health.
   According to a report released by the team on Monday, the measures include assisting housekeeping and child-rearing at households with children taking care of younger siblings, as well as developing a system to provide consultations online for such children. The report also called for providing subsidies to local governments that offer consultation services for young carers.
   It will be the first time for the Japanese government to adopt support measures for young carers. The two ministries will aim to include related funds in the state's budget for the next fiscal year, which starts in April 2022.
   At the day's meeting of the team, Hiroshi Yamamoto, state minister of health, labor and welfare, said the government will consider a system to reward care managers and others for connecting young carers to support organizations.
   In April, the team released the results of the first survey on young carers in the country. The survey showed that one in about 17 second-year students at junior high schools and one in about 24 second-year students at full-time high schools have family members whom they look after.


