2019.11.12 16:03Nation

観光庁、災害時の訪日客対応でアンケート実施 700超の自治体対象


2019.11.12 16:03Nation

Japan to Check Regional Antidisaster Measures for Travelers

The Japan Tourism Agency plans to conduct a survey on antidisaster measures at local governments, aiming to bolster steps to ensure the safety of foreign visitors in times of disaster.
   The survey will cover more than 700 entities, including the country's 47 prefectural governments and municipalities with famous tourist spots where many foreigners visit. The agency hopes to collect answers by mid-December.
   The number of visitors to Japan hit a record high of 31.19 million in 2018. The central government aims to increase the number to 40 million in 2020.
   Ensuring the safety of foreigners is a big task for the central government.
   But it does not have a full picture of the measures taken by local governments in response to huge disasters such as powerful typhoons Faxai and Hagibis.


