2019.09.04 17:45Nation


「クリスマスおもちゃ見本市2019」に出展された、タカラトミーの「人生ゲーム スポーツ」=4日午後、東京都台東区

 は「人生ゲーム スポーツ」を投入。すごろくの途中にあるさまざまな競技の大会に参加しながらゴールを目指す。ゲーム内で出てくる競技はスポーツクライミングなど100種類以上で、同社は「多くのスポーツを知るきっかけになる」(担当者)と期待する。



2019.09.04 17:45Nation

Tokyo Toy Trade Fair Features Sports, Educational Games

A trade fair for toys kicked off in Tokyo on Wednesday for a two-day run, with makers and retailers holding business talks ahead of the Christmas shopping season.
   A number of toys related to sports were put on exhibition at the event, prior to the opening of the Rugby World Cup in Japan later this month and the 2020 Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games.
   Makers also brought on a wide variety of educational toys hoping for a demand increase toward computer programing becoming a compulsory elementary school subject from next April.
   Tomy Co. unveiled its "Jinsei Game Sports" board game. Players need to follow instructions linked to over 100 sports competitions written in spaces of the board game to reach the goal.
   The game gives an "opportunity to know many sports," a Tomy official said.


