2021.05.02 07:07Nation

都民ファ、自民が第1党争い 小池知事の都政運営に影響―都議選、投開票まで2カ月


2021.05.02 07:07Nation

Tomin First, LDP to Vie to Become Top Party in Tokyo Poll

Tomin First no Kai (Tokyoites first group) and the Liberal Democratic Party are expected to go head-to-head to become the top party in the July 4 Tokyo metropolitan assembly election.
   In the previous poll in 2017, the LDP suffered a historic rout as Tomin First, a regional party launched by Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike, captured the top slot in the assembly of the Japanese capital.
   The focal point of the upcoming poll, closely watched as a prelude to a national election, is whether Tomin First will remain the leading force or the LDP will reclaim the title.
   If the LDP and Komeito, which run a ruling coalition in national politics, win a majority in the 127-seat assembly, the election outcome would affect Koike's policies.
   As of Saturday, the number of planned official candidates for the upcoming election stood at 45 for Tomin First, 59 for the LDP, 23 for Komeito, 29 for the Japanese Communist Party and 27 for the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan.


