2021.05.04 21:52Nation

徳島県、まん延防止要請 長崎県も検討―新型コロナ


2021.05.04 21:52Nation

Tokushima Pref. Seeks COVID-19 Pre-emergency Designation

Tokushima Prefecture on Tuesday asked the national government to put the western Japan prefecture in the coronavirus pre-emergency stage, where powerful "priority" measures similar to those under a state of emergency can be taken.
   The prefecture is considering taking the priority measures in the prefectural capital city of Tokushima. It will discuss with the central government on the duration of the pre-emergency designation.
   On Monday, Tokushima Prefecture reported 60 new COVID-19 cases, a record high, with two infection clusters having been confirmed.
   At Tuesday's meeting of the prefecture's coronavirus response headquarters, where the request for the pre-emergency designation was decided, Tokushima Governor Kamon Iizumi said, "The decision needs to be made today, considering the burden placed on the medical system."
   Eating and drinking establishments in Tokushima Prefecture are currently being asked to close by 9 p.m. Once the pre-emergency designation is made, the prefecture will ask such establishments in the city of Tokushima to close by 8 p.m.


