2021.04.26 13:12Nation

インド変異株、日本で21件 加藤官房長官「監視体制を強化」―新型コロナ


2021.04.26 13:12Nation

Japan Confirms 21 Cases of Indian Coronavirus Variant

Japan so far has confirmed 21 cases of infection with a variant of the novel coronavirus that is currently sweeping though India, Chief Cabinet Secretary Katsunobu Kato said Monday.
   "We will implement thorough countermeasures, including beefing up our monitoring system in Japan, while working with the World Health Organization and other bodies to gather information," Kato told a press conference.
   Of the 21 cases, one was found inside Japan and the 20 others were discovered through airport quarantine. The 21 cases include five that had already been confirmed in the country.
   "We are not aware that there have been any concrete views" on whether coronavirus vaccines work for the Indian coronavirus variant, he said.


