2021.04.22 11:53Nation

不用の備蓄食品、提供へ 生活困窮支援に―政府


2021.04.22 11:53Nation

Japan Govt to Provide Unused Stockpiles for Poor

The Japanese government on Thursday decided that its stockpiled foodstuffs close to best-before dates will be provided in principle to needy people.
   Foodstuffs which reach their best-before dates within two months will be sent to organizations such as food banks as well as children's cafeterias offering free or low-cost meals.
   The move is designed to reduce food waste and help the poor in tougher situations amid the coronavirus fallouts.
   Each government ministry or agency stockpiles foods in anticipation of a disaster. About 200,000 items are thrown away every year for replacement with new ones.
   The farm ministry plans to launch a portal website as early as in May and post information on foodstuffs that ministries and agencies can provide.


