「安心安全」理解得たい 無観客開催も想定―組織委の橋本会長に聞く・東京五輪
INTERVIEW: Tokyo Games Head Stresses Safety 100 Days before Start
Tokyo Games organizing committee President Seiko Hashimoto has expressed her wish to gain understanding from the public on the safety of the events to mark 100 days before the opening of the Olympics.
In a recent interview, Hashimoto highlighted progress in preparations for the games, saying the committee will revise the games' "playbooks," or guidelines, on coronavirus measures for athletes and others and set a direction for capping the number of domestic spectators this month.
"I'm consistent in my belief that the games will go on no matter what, but I understand that concerns are winning out with many citizens," Hashimoto said, adding that athletes cannot even talk publicly about their hope that the games will be held, with public support for the events very low.
"Voices saying that the games should not be held are growing louder again due to the recent rise in infection cases," she said. "The key is how we can get people to understand the safety of the games, and my feelings about hosting the events have not changed at all."
Hashimoto said that the organizing committee will make efforts to establish "bubbles" in which contact with the outside world is cut off to prevent infections.