2019.09.05 16:58Nation




2019.09.05 16:58Nation

S. Korea Calling for Ban on Imperial Flag at Tokyo Games

South Korean lawmakers are asking Japan to ban its rising sun flag with sun rays, used by the now-defunct Imperial Japanese Army, at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.
   In South Korea and elsewhere in Asia, the flag is widely viewed as a symbol of Japan's aggression during World War II. The flag, different in design from the current Japanese national flag, is still in use, albeit not widely.
   Last week, the Culture, Sports and Tourism Committee of South Korea's National Assembly passed a resolution to request the International Olympic Committee, the Tokyo Games organizing committee and other entities to ban the flag in question from being brought into the 2020 Olympic venues.
   The flag stirs up painful memories of a nation invaded under imperialism, the resolution said, adding that the flag does not go with the Olympic spirit. The Korean Peninsula was under Japanese rule between 1910 and 1945.
   The Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic committee does not intend to ban the flag, saying it does not carry any political meaning.


