田村厚労相、宣言解除で「新たな闘い」 変異ウイルス、水際対策強化
Japan Minister Resolved to Fight Virus after Emergency Lifting
Japanese health minister Norihisa Tamura on Sunday reiterated the government's resolve to continue fighting the novel coronavirus after its second state of emergency over the virus is fully lifted at the end of the day.
"We'll fight the virus in a new stage after the emergency is removed," Tamura said in a television program, adding, "We'll determined to reduce infections by implementing measures under five pillars set by the government."
The five pillars, adopted in line with the government's decision to fully remove the state of emergency, includes reinforcing surveillance of variants of the novel coronavirus, which are believed to be more contagious than the original strain.
Regarding coronavirus testing on people from countries and regions where mutant strains are spreading, and health and activity management for such visitors during their stays in Japan, Tamura said that the government is considering taking the measures on people from all countries.
The minister also said that the government will fully provide people in Japan with information about vaccinations against the coronavirus as inoculations are slated to begin in April for elderly and other people, on top of medical workers. "People living in areas where they are not registered as residents must also be fully informed about vaccinations," Tamura said, referring to students living away from their hometowns and others.