2021.03.19 16:46Nation

紙の手帳、脳活動高まる タブレットやスマホに比べ―予定思い出す実験・東大など


2021.03.19 16:46Nation

Writing in Notebooks Activates Brain More than Using Gadgets

A Japanese team said Friday that writing in paper notebooks leads to stronger brain activity when recalling schedules than using tablet terminals or smartphones.
   "This is probably because there are more things impressed on memory, such as the places where letters were written and sensations of touch," together with schedules, said team member Kuniyoshi Sakai, professor at the University of Tokyo.
   The team also has members from the same university and NTT Data Institute of Management Consulting Inc.
   "Electronic devices are not bulky and are convenient for searches and other purposes, but I think paper notebooks are more useful for thinking and generating creative ideas," Sakai said.
   In the team's experiment, 48 people aged 18-29 were divided into three groups--users of paper notebooks, tablet terminals with special pens and smartphones.


