2021.03.18 16:09Nation

黒川元検事長を略式起訴 「検審の議決受け止め」―賭けマージャン問題・東京地検

 産経新聞社広報部の話 記者倫理や行動規範を徹底させ、引き続き信頼回復に努める。
 朝日新聞社の話 改めておわびする。コンプライアンス意識の徹底を図る。(2021/03/18-16:09)

2021.03.18 16:09Nation

Ex-Top Tokyo Prosecutor Faces Summary Indictment over Gambling

A summary indictment was filed on Thursday against Hiromu Kurokawa, former chief of the Tokyo High Public Prosecutors Office, for gambling on mahjong.
   According to the indictment, filed by the special investigation squad of the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office, Kurokawa, 64, played mahjong for money with two employees of the Sankei Shimbun, including a reporter, and an employee of the Asahi Shimbun four times in April-May last year, when the country was under a government-declared state of emergency over the new coronavirus.
   The special squad stopped short of indicting the three employees of Sankei and Asahi, both major Japanese newspaper publishers.
   Kurokawa once escaped indictment. But the special squad reinvestigated the case after a Tokyo prosecution inquest committee ruled in favor of his indictment last December.
   "We reviewed the case as we took the committee's decision seriously," Hiroshi Yamamoto, deputy chief prosecutor at the district prosecutors office, told a press conference. "We concluded that summary indictment is appropriate (for Kurokawa) from perspectives including striking a balance between the case and similar incidents in the past," he said.


