予算案、2日に衆院通過 年度内成立確定へ
Japan Govt Budget to Clear Lower House Tues.
Japan's House of Representatives is expected to approve the government's fiscal 2021 budget plan on Tuesday, opening the way for its enactment before the April 1 start of the fiscal year.
The steering committee of the all-important lower chamber of the Diet, the country's parliament, Monday agreed to take a vote on the budget at a plenary Lower House meeting on Tuesday.
The Lower House is likely to approve the budget with support from the ruling camp and send it to the House of Councillors, the upper chamber, for further deliberations.
The budget will be enacted automatically 30 days after being sent to the Upper House due to the Lower House's constitutional superiority.
Opposition parties agreed to put the budget to a Lower House vote on Tuesday as they believe that any attempt to delay the budget's passage will not win public support amid the coronavirus pandemic, informed sources said.