2021.02.13 21:29Nation

「防災教育と災害伝承の日」に 3月11日、大学教授ら提唱


2021.02.13 21:29Nation

March 11 Proposed as Disaster Education Day

With the 10th anniversary of the powerful earthquake and tsunami that mainly struck the Tohoku region of northeastern Japan only a month away, a group of university professors on Saturday proposed designating March 11 as "a day for promoting disaster education and passing down disaster lessons" to future generations.
   The professors specializing in disaster study made the proposal at a press conference in Tokyo.
   Aiming to realize the designation by 2022, they will submit the plan to the government after seeking supporters on the internet.
   Gaps still exist between regions as to the levels of disaster education and to what extent disaster lessons are passed down, the professors said, adding that such activities need to be strengthened by allowing many regions to share their efforts. The memorial day should be set also to help people remember the damage and lessons from the disaster 10 yeas ago and pray for the victims of the catastrophe.
   The 9.0-magnitude earthquake and subsequent huge tsunami on March 11, 2011, killed more than 15,000 people and left over 2,500 others missing. The disaster also led to an unprecedented triple meltdown at Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings Inc.'s Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power station in Fukushima Prefecture.


