「安全ガイドライン」作成を 東京五輪開催で米感染症権威
Guidelines Needed to Ensure Safe Tokyo Games: U.S. Expert
Anthony Fauci, a prominent U.S. expert on infectious diseases, suggested Friday that Japan should create guidelines related to the novel coronavirus in order to hold the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics safely this summer.
It is important that there are "kinds of guidelines to ensure the safety" of people in Japan and many people who will visit the Asian country to watch or participate in the events, Fauci, head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, told an online press conference.
The guidelines should include measures to guarantee the safety of these people, including wearing face masks, conducting coronavirus tests and putting travel restrictions into place, said Fauci, who also serves as U.S. President Joe Biden's top medical adviser.
On whether the Tokyo Games can be held as scheduled, Fauci said it is "going to depend on the dynamics of the outbreak globally and in Japan," suggesting that the key is to what extent Japan and other countries would be able to contain the virus.
On the vaccinations of athletes participating in the Tokyo Games, Fauci said it is "going to depend upon what Japan wants to do to the prioritization."
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