2021.02.10 17:40Nation

都内の入院患者、高止まり続く 病院、高齢施設のコロナ感染多発―専門家会議


2021.02.10 17:40Nation

Coronavirus Inpatients Remain High in Tokyo

Medical experts warned on Wednesday that the number of coronavirus inpatients has remained high in Tokyo, despite a smaller number of newly confirmed infection cases.
   COVID-19 hospitalizations in the Japanese capital hit a record high of 3,427 on Jan. 12 and dropped to as low as 2,746 by Jan. 22. The pace of decline slowed down after that, however, with 2,606 hospitalizations as of Tuesday.
   "The number of inpatients is not falling very much, and the strain on the medical care system is becoming long-term," one expert said at the metropolitan government's coronavirus monitoring meeting.
   The expert suggested that Tokyo needs to reduce the number of new cases among the elderly further.
   The number of inpatients remained flat because medical improvements have allowed people to be hospitalized quickly if they are in need, a report from experts said.


