2021.02.10 17:38Nation

相続登記義務化を答申 「所有者不明土地」解消で―法制審


2021.02.10 17:38Nation

Japan Panel Seeks Mandatory Land Inheritance Registrations

A Japanese government panel Wednesday proposed making land inheritance registrations mandatory to resolve the issue of land plots that have been unclaimed for a long period of time.
   In its recommendations for proposed revisions of the Civil Code and the real estate registration act, the Legislative Council called for obliging inheritors, such as spouses and children, to make land inheritance registrations within three years after they become aware of acquiring the plots from deceased owners.
   A fine of up to 100,000 yen should be imposed if such inheritors fail to make registrations without due reasons, it said.
   The council submitted the recommendations to Justice Minister Yoko Kamikawa. The Justice Ministry plans to submit related legislation to the ongoing regular session of the Diet, Japan's parliament.
   With demand for land use declining due partly to the country's falling population, the amount of land whose owners are unknown has been increasing, and this is becoming a serious social problem in Japan.


