2021.02.08 07:07Nation

福島にロボット産業集積 被災地再生、産官学で人材育成―東日本大震災10年


2021.02.08 07:07Nation

10 Years On: Moves Going On to Bring New Industries to Fukushima

Efforts to bring new industries to coastal areas of Fukushima Prefecture are going on as part of moves to promote reconstruction after the local economy was shattered by the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami, and the subsequent nuclear accident in the northeastern Japan prefecture.
   The Fukushima Innovation Coast Framework, led by the Japanese and Fukushima prefectural governments, has attracted companies from robotics and other advanced industries from across Japan. Companies in Fukushima are also starting to participate in the initiative, and work has also begun to foster human resources, one of major challenges involved, among industries, the public sector and the academic sphere.
   The Fukushima Robot Test Field, a research and development hub and one of the framework's projects, went into full operation in March 2020 in the city of Minamisoma and the town of Namie.
   A total of about 30 companies are housed in related facilities, such as an R&D building and an industrial complex adjacent to the test field, for purposes including developing flying cars and applying drones for use in disasters. Among them are major companies, such as cybermall operator Rakuten Inc. , and startups from across the country.
   Robotcom & FA.Com, a Tokyo-based developer of factory automation technologies and the first company in the industrial complex, will launch a plant in May with engineers from Japan and abroad. An official of the company praised the test field, saying, "It has excellent facilities and has received a large amount of subsidies."


