2021.01.30 20:32Nation

東電柏崎刈羽原発、不祥事相次ぐ 地元に不信感、再稼働遅れも


2021.01.30 20:32Nation

Misconducts Clouding Prospects of TEPCO Plant Restart

A series of misconducts has happened at Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings Inc.'s Kashiwazaki-Kariwa nuclear plant in the central Japan prefecture of Niigata.
   The misconducts may spark public distrust in TEPCO, causing a delay in its plan to restart reactors at the plant at an early date. Industry minister Hiroshi Kajiyama has expressed deep regrets, urging TEPCO to take action to restore confidence.
   An employee at the Kashiwazaki-Kariwa plant entered a reactor central control room by using another employee's identification card in September last year, according to TEPCO and other sources.
   TEPCO reported the incident to the Secretariat of the Nuclear Regulation Authority that month but did not make it public.
   On the incident, Niigata Governor Hideyo Hanazumi has said that the management of entry and exit is the "fundamental basics of security."


