2021.01.29 13:31Nation

コロナ禍、中学入試変化 「とにかく安心」受験生に配慮―面接廃止、追試も


2021.01.29 13:31Nation

Epidemic Affecting Junior High School Entrance Exams

With the novel coronavirus continuing to spread in Japan, junior high schools in the country are rushing to tweak their entrance examinations to ensure test-takers' safety.
   According to major preparatory schools and other sources, most junior high schools in Tokyo and neighboring Kanagawa Prefecture, where entrance exams will take place in February, have decided to require test-takers to wear face masks and check their body temperatures. Some schools will shorten exam times so that test-takers do not have to eat lunch between tests or allow them to come to the schools at different times on the days of the entrance exams.
   To avoid congestion, many schools will not allow accompanying parents to wait inside school buildings while their children are taking the exams. People from preparatory schools will not be allowed to gather, either, although they usually give words of encouragement to students at the entrances of the junior high schools where the entrance exams are carried out.
   Jissen Gakuen Junior High School in Tokyo's Nakano Ward will reduce the number of seats in classrooms to be used as exam venues in order to create enough distance between test-takers. Each desk will be equipped with a three-sided plastic shield to avoid test-takers' possible infections with the virus. In addition, these classrooms will be sealed off until the day of the tests after being disinfected.
   "We're giving highest priority to safety and security (of test-takers)," an official of the school said.


