2019.10.30 07:04Nation



2019.10.30 07:04Nation

Japan May Shorten Waiting Period for Jobless Benefits

Japan's labor ministry on Tuesday kicked off debates on shortening the period before the start of jobless benefit payments to people who voluntarily quit their jobs from the current three months.
   The move comes as part of efforts to improve the social safety net as the number of people changing jobs is expected to increase partly on the back of diversifying work styles.
   At the day's meeting of the Labor Policy Council, which advises the labor minister, both the labor and management sides called for the waiting period to be shortened in order to financially support people quitting their jobs until they find new ones.
   The ministry plans to make a decision by year-end after examining details, including on the fiscal front.
   The waiting period, which was initially set at one month, was extended to three months in 1984 to prevent people from easily quitting jobs. Last month, the Japan Business Federation (Keidanren), the country's biggest group of employers, proposed that the period be shortened to one month for job seekers who are receiving jobless benefits for the first or second time.


