2021.01.18 10:45Nation

来年度予算案を国会提出 コロナ対策で9年連続最大


2021.01.18 10:45Nation

Diet Starts Ordinary Session; Govt Seeks Record Budget

The Diet, Japan's parliament, started a 150-day ordinary session on Monday, with the government submitting a fiscal 2021 budget bill and a fiscal 2020 supplementary budget bill amid the lingering coronavirus pandemic.
   The proposed budget for fiscal 2021, which starts in April, totals 106,609.7 billion yen, up 3.8 pct from the fiscal 2020 initial budget and hitting a record high for the ninth consecutive year.
   The budget growth reflects costs for measures to deal with the pandemic, as well as higher social security and defense expenditures.
   Regarding the fiscal 2021 initial budget and the fiscal 2020 extra budget, totaling 15,427.1 billion yen, as a combined "15-month budget," the government aims to take measures to shore up the pandemic-hit domestic economy in a seamless manner.
   During the ordinary session, the ruling coalition will seek to enact the budget bills as soon as possible, as well as a bill to revise the special law for the fight against the pandemic. The law revision will introduce penalties on businesses defying requests to shorten operating hours.


