2021.01.17 21:44Nation

「あの日」の記憶、伝え続ける 各地で追悼、コロナで縮小も―阪神大震災26年

 神戸市中央区の公園「東遊園地」では、追悼の集いをNPO法人などが開催。訪れたのは過去最少の約2万2000人で、昨年の半分にも満たなかった。かつて復興の原動力となった合言葉「がんばろう神戸」にちなみ、心を一つにしてコロナ禍を乗り越えようという思いを込め、「がんばろう 1.17」の形に並べた竹と紙の灯籠に火がともされた。地震発生時刻には遺族らが黙とうし、犠牲者の冥福を祈った。

2021.01.17 21:44Nation

Japan Marks 26th Anniversary of Great Hanshin Quake

With prayers for victims and a renewed determination to pass down memories and lessons, Kobe, capital of Hyogo Prefecture, and its vicinity marked the 26th anniversary on Sunday of the devastating quake that killed more than 6,400 people.
   With Hyogo under the central government's state of emergency over the novel coronavirus epidemic, memorial ceremonies were held on a reduced scale.
   Families of those killed in the Great Hanshin Earthquake and other people gathered in a park in central Kobe. With lanterns made of bamboo and paper lit, they offered silent prayers at 5:46 a.m. (8:46 p.m. Saturday GMT), the time the temblor with a magnitude of 7.3 jolted the port city on Jan. 17, 1995. The event brought together about 2,500 people by 7 a.m.
   In a ceremony organized by the Kobe city government, Midori Kaga, a 65-year-old classical Japanese dance master, attended as a representative of victims' families.
   She stopped short of reading out a memorial message for her daughter who died at age 6, in order to curb the number of ceremony participants to reduce infection risks. Her message was posted on the website of the city government.


