2021.01.15 15:50Nation

大卒内定率82%、11年ぶり低下幅 コロナ禍、採用抑制―昨年12月


2021.01.15 15:50Nation

University Students' Job-Securing Rate Plunges in Japan

The proportion of job-seeking university students in Japan graduating next March who had secured informal job offers as of Dec. 1 fell at its fastest pace in 11 years due to the fallout from the coronavirus epidemic, a government survey showed Friday.
   The figure dropped 4.9 percentage points from a year before to 82.2 pct, the steepest decline since the 7.4-point plunge posted in the 2009 survey, conducted in the aftermath of the global financial crisis.
   The fall came as companies in the travel and restaurant sectors are cutting back on hiring drastically amid the epidemic.
   The job-securing rate rose 12.4 points from the rate as of Oct. 1. The increase signals that companies have started making up for delays in recruiting activities caused by the virus crisis, a labor ministry official said.
   Still, students are likely to continue facing hardships as companies tend to be reluctant to make informal job offers amid the epidemic.


