2019.10.29 20:07Nation



2019.10.29 20:07Nation

Japan Govt to Compile Extra Budget for Disaster Response

The Japanese government is set to speed up work to compile a fiscal 2019 supplementary budget focused on infrastructure reinforcement projects, following a recent string of powerful typhoons and massive floods that devastated many areas of the country.
   The government is expected to draw up an outline of the extra budget in early November. At a meeting on Tuesday with Shuichi Abe, governor of Nagano Prefecture, one of heavily affected areas, Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Hiroshi Kajiyama said that a related policy package will be compiled in early November and announced by the government.
   Torrential rains from the recent typhoons heavily damaged levees along rivers and caused widespread flood damage. On Tuesday, the government designated Typhoon Hagibis, which tore through eastern and central Japan in mid-October, as an "extraordinary" disaster under a relevant law and flood damage from the 19th typhoon of the year as a disaster with extreme severity, in order to facilitate the reconstruction of affected areas.
   On the day, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said the government will strengthen levees to prevent such damage reoccurring.
   "We will take appropriate water control measures to prepare for future surges in the frequency and severity of flood damage resulting from an increase in the amount of rainfall reflecting climate change," Abe said. The government plans to inspect all levees and dams across the country and boost disaster management capabilities.


