2021.01.06 13:41Nation

免許返納、お試しいかが? 運転控え、割引特典も―専門家「検討に有効」・大阪府警


2021.01.06 13:41Nation

Police Encourage Elderly Drivers to Try Carless Life

The Osaka prefectural police department plans to introduce a program allowing elderly drivers to experience what life without a car would be like before they actually surrender their licenses.
   With car accidents involving elderly drivers in the spotlight as a social issue in Japan, the police hope the program will help encourage such drivers to give up their licenses voluntarily, an official said.
   The program was well received when it was conducted on a trial basis in September. Some participants said it was a good opportunity for them to think about what to do with their licenses.
   The program will encourage elderly drivers to take public transportation or ride bicycles instead of driving a car. They will be allowed to drive while participating in the program.
   Participants will be asked to write down comments after a day of not driving a car and keep records of destinations and other details when they drive, a tactic aimed at helping them realize that using taxis can be more economical than owing a car depending on the frequency and distance of their travel.


